Sunday, November 4, 2012

Things I'm Looking Forward to at Home.

Things I'm looking forward to at home:
(Vaguely in order of how much I want them, but not really.)
(This list is not comprehensive.)

1. Ovens
2. Supermarkets
3. Jeans
4. Dryers
5. My mattress
6. Shower
7. Flushing toilet paper
8. Meat without bones
9. Eating with silverware
10. Coffee
11. Juice
12. Driving
13. Sweaters
14. Socks
15. Using my iphone
16. Stars
17. Electricity
18. Ice cream
19. Salad
20. Water
21. Free time
22. Kitschy arty crafty stuff
23. Bacon
24. Sandwiches
25. Not having to worry about cultural appropriateness
26. Starches that aren't rice
27. No (or at least fewer) bugs
28. Cheerios
29. Reese's
30. Bagel Mainea
31. Panera
32. Ice skating
33. Having an income
34. Foliage
35. Reliable mail
36. Chocolate
37. Beef
38. Earth-conscious waste systems
39. No language barrier
40. Bookstores
41. Wifi
42. "Breathe easy, you're in Maine"
43. Straightening my hair
44. Watching movies
45. Interacting with guys
46. Maine culture
47. Seeing the babies
48. Late night in Lane
49. A campus that has places to hang out
50. Blankets


  1. What I'm looking forward to when you get home: A L E E N A !!!!!!!!!!!!
    xoxox ~mama

  2. Fun to read about the things you miss most about home sweetie!

    Love your latest posts Aleena! I'm learning lots through you!

    You're awesome!

    Love you!

