We have all become frequenters of Starbucks, CVS, Walmart and the like. But with no money to part with, there is little point in going to these stores lately. With the weather as gorgeous as it has been, the great outdoors have become the newest form of entertainment. On Friday, my friend Mary and I went on an adventure to the J.C. Phillips Nature Preserve in Wenham/Beverly. This is a place that I first found while GeoCaching (a story for another post...) last year at Gordon.
These woods are a beautiful place to have a lovely stroll and also see some cool ruins. The mansion was called Highover and was built in 1913. A fire in October of 1968 destroyed most of the building leaving behind only a few pieces of building to break up the forestry. Personally, I think the juxtaposition of crumbling mansion and bright graffiti is really appealing, but it also makes me wonder what it would have been like to visit Highover while it was still intact.
Below are both pictures that I took on Friday, and some pictures of Highmore before the fire that I found on the Flickr account for the Beverly Public Library.