Last weekend was Easter, my second in Minnesota and away from my family. Last year, my brother Jon visited me here during his April vacation which overlapped with Easter, so I had one member of my family with me. Not so this year, but it was a pretty good weekend all the same!
Saturday was my first full day off since January (three entire months)! I slept in (kind of. More like I slept til 6:30 and then got things done from the comfort of my own bed until about 8:30-- a luxury that I hadn't had in three months. So in my opinion it still counts as sleeping in.) and then walked to grab a late breakfast at a nearby restaurant. None of my friends were available--Easter weekend, family obligations, blahblahblah-- so I went by myself, but it was still nice.
In the afternoon I went to the woods. I'd planned to go to a state park, but life happened and when I got there I didn't have any cash to get in so I went elsewhere instead. It meant lots of time in the car, but I was okay with that as it meant I got to finish the audiobook on cd I was listening to in my car (Belzhar by Meg Wolitzer. I have mixed feelings about it). I ended up at Whitetail Woods Regional Park, which is in a place called Farmington. Go figure!
It wasn't exactly what I had in mind, but there were trees and that's all that really mattered to me. I've greatly missed walking through the woods since I moved here. My life in Minnesota is pretty grounded in the Twin Cities metro area (technically the Johnsons live out of the city in a suburb, but it's not the same as a rural town. Not at all.) and I haven't been out of the city/suburbs since I was home for Christmas. Yikes! That can get kind of old for a country mouse like me! I do love it here, but I wish I had more opportunities to get into the countryside.

Which brings us to Easter day! I got to spend it with this gal. Technically I was supposed to be working with Katrina, but she slept the entire day after being pretty heavily medicated for a seizure the day before. Poor kid! Luckily Emma was awake and we hung out. She's pretty cute, huh?
Easter with the Johnsons was surprisingly chill; the egg hunting didn't happen until after lunch, so there wasn't too much insanity first thing in the morning. And I was so glad that lent was finally over and I was able to eat all the delicious components of Easter dinner and a few pieces of Easter candy. (HA! As if I lasted the duration of lent! I actually gave up on it about two and a half weeks in. Whoops.)
My siblings sent me this photo in the morning as well. They missed me. Apparently it snowed it Maine on Easter? Sucks to suck, guys.
(In other news, today happens to be National Siblings Day. I'm really glad that these humans are my siblings even though I did move halfway across the country to get away from them.)
And there you have it, folks. My second Easter in Minnesota and my first day off in three months. Overall it was a pretty solid weekend.
Glad you had a good Easter/day off. Sure missed you at the Maine Easter brunch table. xoxoxoxo ~mama